Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dear Allah

oh my ALLAH...
i know that i used to betray you...
i know i used to make many mistakes to you...
i do all that since i take a first step on your earth...
i am, such a loser...
never thinking whatever i was doing...
i know i only called and pray upon you only when i am in trouble...
but please ALLAH...
please forgive me...
please guide me...
please show me the way...
in order for me to survive through all these obstacles...
please ALLAH...
even though i have already know that i will be there, inside the lowest class of your slaves during your judgment day...
but please ALLAH...
i am begging for your mercy..



si pengemis said...

jz never stop begging for ALLAH..
jz do your best..ALLAH will do the rest.

||alis|| said...


hanya DIA tempat kita meminta wan, mintak laa apa saja..